Tips on reducing your energy bills

Posted by: Carly Temple on 2nd June 2020

After 10 weeks of staying at home, whether you are working from home or self-isolating, your energy bills are certain to go up. With increased usage of appliances, from opening the fridge more often, to using laptops all day long, it will all add up on our energy bills.

We have to put together our tips for ensuring that you make as many savings as possible:


Shop around for your tariff

Our first tip is to ensure you are on the best energy tariff by shopping around on comparison websites. Use an independent website like Which Switch to do a comparison. They have put together a useful blog on how to switch.


Turn off your heating

Having enjoyed a very warm and sunny April and May, hopefully the sunshine will continue providing warm weather. However, if you do still need heating in the evening, try turning your thermostat down by 1 degree. Whilst this will make a small difference in your usage, it’s reported that this could save you up to 10% on your annual energy bill.


Turn off your devices

Ensure that you always turn off and unplug electronics that are not in use. Small appliances such as chargers, laptops and entertainment systems use energy, even when not in use. So, switching off the power at the plug, will save you energy.


LED light bulbs

Swap your light bulbs for energy efficient LED bulbs. This will reduce the cost of your lighting. To save even more switch your lights off. Ensure you only light the room you are in.


Water usage

We recommend always using the Eco setting on your washing machine and dishwashers. Eco friendly energy settings are reported to save you 20%. Take a shorter shower and ensure that you always turn the tap off whilst brushing your teeth to save water. Repair any dripping taps or leaks that you have noticed.


Struggling to pay

On 18th March the government announced new measures for those struggling to pay their gas or electricity bill as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. Any customer in financial distress will be supported by their supplier, the government says.

If you are struggling to pay your bills, as a result of Covid19 causing changes in your lifestyle, then you should contact your supplier to advise them. Don’t simply cancel your monthly direct debit. If you cancel the direct debit, this will be considered a missed payment and could be registered on your credit report, potentially affecting your chances of obtaining credit in the future.

On the plus side we are saving money by not going out, eating out or travelling! Stay safe everyone, and we hopefully will be through the other side of this pandemic soon.

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