The Sun Is Still Shining Test Your boiler

Posted by: Carly Temple on 31st August 2018

Test your heating now

There is no better time than late summer to test your boiler to make sure it is working correctly. We’ve lost count of the number of customers who ring us in cold weather needing urgent help to get their heating working again. Follow these simple steps to help make sure that you’re not stuck in the cold this winter.


We recommend you take the following steps:

  • Ensure you turn all your radiators valves on to full
  • Turn your heating thermostat to the maximum temperature
  • Leave the heating to run for 15 minutes and then check all the radiators to ensure they all heat up.

If all the radiators heat up, good news your radiators do not require any immediate attention. However, if some of them remain cold or do not heat up enough you may need to balance the radiators or bleed them to get them working again.

You should also listen for any noises coming from radiators and monitor them for any leaking water.

Service Your Boiler

Servicing your boiler is crucial to ensure that everything works as it should do ready for when the cold weather arrives. It is recommended that you should service your boiler at least once a year. Late summer is the perfect time to do this.

A faulty boiler can be extremely dangerous, a service will identify any issues and prevent any unexpected repairs that may be required later on. The last thing anybody wants is no heating and a big bill in the middle of winter, so take the time to service your boiler while the sun is still shining.

We Can Help

At Carshalton Boilers, we specialise in servicing boilers and helping with your other heating needs. As a friendly, family run business, we are happy to service your boiler and ensure that your heating is all set up and ready for the cold months ahead.

Contact us now to discuss how we can help keep your home warm this winter.

For all your plumbing and heating needs visit: or call us on 0208 3958060.

Test Heating While Sun Is Shining
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